ProEPP Services
EPP blocks sale
ProEPP is the Europe’s biggest supplier of EPP blocks and sheets. We sell ready-to-use EPP plates in every dimension and density that is available on the market, in the best prices. Our warehouse is always full of EPP blocks that are ready to be shipped – and if the format you are looking for is not currently available, we will quickly produce any amount for you.
EPP blocks and sheets are a perfect solution for clients that have access to their own CNC machines, or… to a simple knife. Low density EPP is suitable for processing even in home. Therefore, this product is so popular among model makers or companies that are dealing with prototyping themselves. Universality of this solution allows for easy testing of EPP material without committing to big costs.
If you are interested in an EPP format that is not in our offer, we can freely cut existing EPP blocks to the dimensions you require.
Interested in cooperation?
Contact with us!
We invite all those who just want to discover the advantages of EPP and those who already know and are looking for a reliable, trusted business partner.
The Pro EPP company is created by a team of specialists who will help you at every stage of creating a product from foamed polypropylene. Our specialists will quickly calculate and evaluate the product for you, design it from scratch and manufacture it using the latest technologies.
Płyty EPP
Przejdź do sklepu
Jeżeli szukasz miejsca w którym możesz zakupić płyty EPP do samodzielnej obróbki – przejdź do naszego sklepu. Znajdziesz tam bogatą ofertę płyt EPP w rozmaitych rozmiarach, kolorach oraz gęstości. Płyty EPP w naszym sklepie, idealnie nadadzą się do wykonania samodzielnie prototypów lub do przygotowania modeli.